For those of you who are new to blogger, welcome. And welcome to those who are not new to blogger and who are reading our new blog. I (Cara) decided that Mitch and I can blog to let you all know what's going on in our lives. That way, we can keep the ugly phone bill monster at bay... :)
Anyway, I like blogging. I'm not quite sure how Mitch feels about it, cause I haven't really discussed it with him at all, but such is life.
At this very moment I am sitting at my desk at work thinking about this semester so far and how it's going. For those of you who don't know, I am a Graphic Design student in San Diego and I work at my school for the Media Department. This month has been quite an adventure. It seems like every weekend there is something new to do. I've been working on several projects for music groups that I am involved in, plus some other artsy stuff on the side. I am involved in two shows, one opening in April and the other in November. Brand New Day, a musical revue, opens in April and runs for one weekend. I designed the poster for the show, as well as take part in it musically. I cannot wait for the performances! It's going to be so exciting! I have a solo, which makes me happy. I love to sing!
On Monday this week were the auditions for the opera Cendrillon by Jules Massenet. I got the role as the fairy godmother!!!!! or as Massenet calls her la Fée. I am so excited for this role! I have always wanted to play a role in the Cinderella story. As well as singing and acting for the opera, I am designing the posters and advertising products for the production. My official title on the board is "Advertising Director". I've had this title since last year and it has been the best position ever! I love working with everyone on the board for our Opera group. We call ourselves PLOT, or Point Loma Opera Theatre.
As well as being a full-time student, part-time employee, artistic director for our Opera group, and singer/actor, I have recently achieved the highest honor possible (in my mind). I got a sudo-internship with a web design firm here in SD. I cannot wait to start working with them and designing my life away. Seriously, this is the best job ever! I love designing.
The wedding plans are going well. We have the site reserved, invitations sent, flowers picked, I have my dress, and all the other details are coming together so smoothly. If you have any questions about the wedding, please email me and Mitch at That's probably the best way of getting in touch with us.
As for Mitch, I'll let him know about this little place to talk about what's going on in his life. I should warn you though; he probably won't be on this site very much. He works a lot and leaves himself little time to sit on the computer. I'll probably fill in the details if he doesn't write very much.