....um.... I'M SUPER EXCITED!!! Mitch and I just got word that we were approved to move into the Colony!!! If you don't know what the Colony is, it's not a utopian cult living community. The Colony is the off-campus apartments owned by PLNU and they have the cheapest rent in town. We are moving into a two bedroom/1bath apartment and it's only gunna cost us 710 a month! YEAH!!! We are going to sign our rental agreement this week and move in June 19th!
I'm so happy right now! Mostly because I was worrying about our housing situation the other day and was freaking out because I don't want to be homeless. We were looking at monthly pricing for motels and trying to see if we could work that out... but now we will have a big apartment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you can't tell... i'm excited!
Well, until next time,
Cara writes about her life before getting married to Mitchall... who's blog you can also read.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Cast made out of tape
So, this morning I woke up and realized that my wrist really hurt. I have no idea what happened, but apparently I slept on it funny and now it feels like I sprained it or something. While not being able to adequately brace my wrist, I had a wonderful idea. My work place has tape that we use to secure wires and such. It's kind of like duct tape, but better. It's called gaff tape. It's really sturdy and durable. I got a soft cleaning cloth, wrapped that around my wrist first (so the tape doesn't rip my arm hair off later), then wrapped up my wrist with gaff tape. Of course being me, I got my coworkers to sign it, and I drew all over it with a silver sharpie... hee hee hee...
I've never broken any of my bones before, so I'm not sure how a cast is supposed to feel, but I imagine it feels something like this. I once had a soft cast on my leg because I basically fell down a mountain when I was in high school. It was basically the same this I just did for my self, with some plastic braces to keep my ankle sturdy.
Anyway, don't be too worried about me. My wrist doesn't hurt so bad anymore and I think this faux-cast will really help it get better. :)
Oh, and of course, here's the pic.
I've never broken any of my bones before, so I'm not sure how a cast is supposed to feel, but I imagine it feels something like this. I once had a soft cast on my leg because I basically fell down a mountain when I was in high school. It was basically the same this I just did for my self, with some plastic braces to keep my ankle sturdy.
Anyway, don't be too worried about me. My wrist doesn't hurt so bad anymore and I think this faux-cast will really help it get better. :)
Oh, and of course, here's the pic.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Mitch has arrived!
Mitch is here! I am so excited!!! He arrived last night at about 11:30 in Oceanside. I had to drive 45 minutes to go get him. Apparently there was an accident on the tracks and Amtrak wasn't letting anything through to San Diego. From what we heard a man was trespassing on the tracks and got hit by a train. There was going to be a minimum 2 hour delay before they were going to let the train go through, so I just drove up to get him. Of course it was late, and raining, at dark... so I got lost. At least I got lost in Oceanside and not somewhere in between. I had my iPhone with me so I was able to get around a little bit, but I still got really confused. The directions told me to go to a certain area where there was a "DO NOT ENTER" sign. So then I drove around in circles trying to figure out if I was in the right place or not. Then I was on the phone with Mitch trying to direct me, but he had no clue where he was, and certainly no clue where I was. He tried talking to locals at the station, but I was trying to talk to him and we both just got really frustrated. I finally found him and we yelled a little bit.... but then he just kissed me and held on to me. We stood in the dark parking lot for a little while just hugging, and then we started back to Loma.
We finally got back around 1:30 am... and I had to be at work at 8. GRRR... of course we stayed up till 3 talking and what-not, so I didn't get much sleep, but surprisingly I'm not the one who's tired. Mr. "I slept all day on the bus" is the one who's out of it today. lol...
Anyway, I'm so glad to have him here and right now I'm finishing up my day at work. He spent the whole day looking for jobs while playing FarmVille on Facebook and chatting with his sister in Nebraska. Tonight I have to get him another hotel room because I haven't heard from anyone at the church about the trailer that is supposed to be getting set up for him. I have no clue what's going on there. At least this time the motel is only $40 instead of $70. Maybe I can even get another AAA discount?!? [keep your fingers crossed]
I GOT MY VEIL TODAY!!! It's so cute!
Until next time!
tip of the day: try a Chai Tea Latte with white mocha... it's delicious!
We finally got back around 1:30 am... and I had to be at work at 8. GRRR... of course we stayed up till 3 talking and what-not, so I didn't get much sleep, but surprisingly I'm not the one who's tired. Mr. "I slept all day on the bus" is the one who's out of it today. lol...
Anyway, I'm so glad to have him here and right now I'm finishing up my day at work. He spent the whole day looking for jobs while playing FarmVille on Facebook and chatting with his sister in Nebraska. Tonight I have to get him another hotel room because I haven't heard from anyone at the church about the trailer that is supposed to be getting set up for him. I have no clue what's going on there. At least this time the motel is only $40 instead of $70. Maybe I can even get another AAA discount?!? [keep your fingers crossed]
I GOT MY VEIL TODAY!!! It's so cute!
They gave two white rose hair pins to go with the veil as a thank you for shopping with them! :) LOVE IT!
Well, that about wraps it up for today.Until next time!
tip of the day: try a Chai Tea Latte with white mocha... it's delicious!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The knight returns to his fair maiden...
Mitch comes today!!! I'm so excited! Although it's not the ideal circumstance I am so happy he's going to be here. I just reserved a hotel room for him, since he's getting here really late. His train is scheduled to arrive at 12:30 AM! It's late, but I can handle it. I'll drop him off at his hotel, go to home to bed, then go pick him up tomorrow after I get off of work.. or maybe on my lunch break. He needs to start looking for a job so the sooner I can get him to a computer, to sooner he can start contacting possible employers. There are a couple of places I know he can apply, but I want him to be able to find something on his own, not me being his mom and finding something for him. Mitch is a big boy... he can find himself a job. :)
Anyway, today I am also going to start learning my role for the opera. I don't have very long to learn it and I really need to discipline myself. With Mitch being here, work, and voice lessons, I'm not sure how much practice I can actual get it. I might have to wait until we get our own place to really start digging into my role. For now I can learn the text and work on pronunciation. It's in French so it's going to be a bit of a struggle for me... but if I work hard I know I can do it. I actually don't have the much to learn, as far as my role is concerned. I do, however need to know what everyone else is saying. So, I need to know the whole Opera!
Also, this summer, I'm going to be spending a lot of my Saturdays working on the set pieces for the production. I get to paint, build, and research the Art Nouveau era of art. I LOVE IT! Art Nouveau is one of my favorite art time periods!!! Go look up Alfonzo Mucha. That is Art Nouveau! Isn't it just so wonderful? No one can ever capture that kind of work in an art piece. He did that ALL BY HAND!! No computers or machines! I mean, he might have dabbled into lithography, but for the most part all of his work was done by hand! I love it.
Check this out:

This is Art Nouveau... it's amazing!
Well, that's all I have for now.
Until next time!
Anyway, today I am also going to start learning my role for the opera. I don't have very long to learn it and I really need to discipline myself. With Mitch being here, work, and voice lessons, I'm not sure how much practice I can actual get it. I might have to wait until we get our own place to really start digging into my role. For now I can learn the text and work on pronunciation. It's in French so it's going to be a bit of a struggle for me... but if I work hard I know I can do it. I actually don't have the much to learn, as far as my role is concerned. I do, however need to know what everyone else is saying. So, I need to know the whole Opera!
Also, this summer, I'm going to be spending a lot of my Saturdays working on the set pieces for the production. I get to paint, build, and research the Art Nouveau era of art. I LOVE IT! Art Nouveau is one of my favorite art time periods!!! Go look up Alfonzo Mucha. That is Art Nouveau! Isn't it just so wonderful? No one can ever capture that kind of work in an art piece. He did that ALL BY HAND!! No computers or machines! I mean, he might have dabbled into lithography, but for the most part all of his work was done by hand! I love it.
Check this out:
This is Art Nouveau... it's amazing!
Well, that's all I have for now.
Until next time!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
A little over a month
OMG!!! 44 DAYS!!!
Things are really coming together now, but of course with the stress comes doubt. "Are we doing the right thing?", "Is this happening too fast?", "Does he really love me?", "Do I really want this?", etc. You start to second guess yourself and wonder whether or not things are going right, or if it's really happening at all. Is that what they call cold-feet? I'm not sure. I mean, with just over a month left to go it wouldn't make any sense not to be scared or worried. What am I supposed to do? I feel I've talked about the wedding so much that I should be more exciting then I am, but now I'm just worried. I also am trying really hard not to be Bridezilla. I think there is almost nothing worse a bride could do then to go all crazy on people!
On a lighter note, I bought my veil today. I shopped for the cheapest deal and found a small birdcage veil online for $15! I had to pay $10 in shipping because it's coming from Canada, but hey... it's better than $175 for a piece of fabric you wear for one day. I'm not sure when it will be here, but here's the picture from the website I bought it from.
I also found some really cute baggies for favors! They're adorable. I haven't purchased them yet, but I know where to get them. I was also looking at decorations and other small details for the ceremony and reception. Oriental Trading Co has the best deals on small decorations. Then I looked for ribbon to decorate our cake with and I found a paper ribbon online that is pretty cheap. It's perfect for the cake! I can't wait to see it!
We are also looking for plastic tumblers and plates/baskets. We were thinking that since the wedding is at a campground then it would be cute to make the buffet table a build-your-own-picnic table. We would buy a whole bunch of small baskets and everyone could make their own lunch from our buffet. It's going to be so much fun!
I'm trying to decide weather or not I want to have wine [uh, I mean soda] at the wedding. Most of the guests so far are going to be over 21, and since there aren't going to be many people there it wouldn't be terribly expensive to buy a few bottles. We'll see what we come up with, but it could be a lot of fun to have a little bit of "soda" [wink, wink] at the reception.
Now all we have to get are:
Ceremony Decorations
Unity Ceremony Sand and Containters
Reception Decorations
Food for the reception
Cake supplies
Gifts for my attendants
A gift for the officiant
A gift for Mitch
cooking materials for the favors I'm making
buy the programs [although I'm not sure we need them with so few attending]
....I can't think of anything else
And as I'm wrote all of that a small rainbow appeared in the sky right outside my office window. That gives me a sign of peace and comfort that I'm doing the right think and that everything is going to be all right. I can't believe how good God has been to me through all of this! He's so wonderful!
Until next time!
Slán go maith (good bye in Irish)
Things are really coming together now, but of course with the stress comes doubt. "Are we doing the right thing?", "Is this happening too fast?", "Does he really love me?", "Do I really want this?", etc. You start to second guess yourself and wonder whether or not things are going right, or if it's really happening at all. Is that what they call cold-feet? I'm not sure. I mean, with just over a month left to go it wouldn't make any sense not to be scared or worried. What am I supposed to do? I feel I've talked about the wedding so much that I should be more exciting then I am, but now I'm just worried. I also am trying really hard not to be Bridezilla. I think there is almost nothing worse a bride could do then to go all crazy on people!
On a lighter note, I bought my veil today. I shopped for the cheapest deal and found a small birdcage veil online for $15! I had to pay $10 in shipping because it's coming from Canada, but hey... it's better than $175 for a piece of fabric you wear for one day. I'm not sure when it will be here, but here's the picture from the website I bought it from.
I also found some really cute baggies for favors! They're adorable. I haven't purchased them yet, but I know where to get them. I was also looking at decorations and other small details for the ceremony and reception. Oriental Trading Co has the best deals on small decorations. Then I looked for ribbon to decorate our cake with and I found a paper ribbon online that is pretty cheap. It's perfect for the cake! I can't wait to see it!
We are also looking for plastic tumblers and plates/baskets. We were thinking that since the wedding is at a campground then it would be cute to make the buffet table a build-your-own-picnic table. We would buy a whole bunch of small baskets and everyone could make their own lunch from our buffet. It's going to be so much fun!
I'm trying to decide weather or not I want to have wine [uh, I mean soda] at the wedding. Most of the guests so far are going to be over 21, and since there aren't going to be many people there it wouldn't be terribly expensive to buy a few bottles. We'll see what we come up with, but it could be a lot of fun to have a little bit of "soda" [wink, wink] at the reception.
Now all we have to get are:
Ceremony Decorations
Unity Ceremony Sand and Containters
Reception Decorations
Food for the reception
Cake supplies
Gifts for my attendants
A gift for the officiant
A gift for Mitch
cooking materials for the favors I'm making
buy the programs [although I'm not sure we need them with so few attending]
....I can't think of anything else
And as I'm wrote all of that a small rainbow appeared in the sky right outside my office window. That gives me a sign of peace and comfort that I'm doing the right think and that everything is going to be all right. I can't believe how good God has been to me through all of this! He's so wonderful!
Until next time!
Slán go maith (good bye in Irish)
Monday, May 10, 2010
So, I realized I haven't posted anything in a while. Here's the update: As I wrote in an earlier post, Mitch had to quit his job so that he could move down here and search for a new job. He had to do this because he current boss refused to give him the time off so he could look for a new job. So now he has no job, no place to stay, and almost no money. I am going to be living on campus for the summer while I work full time, but as of right now we are looking at possible hotels for Mitch to stay at because no one has stepped up to volunteer a couch for him while we save money for an apartment. It's really frustrating, but it's the only thing we can do right now.
If I could I would let Mitch stay in my room, but that's just not possible... for multiple reasons. I hope we can find a cheap motel for him to get a room at. Wherever he stays is going to be expensive because this is San Diego, but there's got to be something out there that's reasonable.
I hope we can find a descent apartments soon too. With Mitch job searching it's going to be a uncertain time for us. But at least we have a month or so to look and save money. I'll also be making twice as much as I do now, so that will help. If anyone knows of a good, cheap place to rent that's not to far from Point Loma, let me know!
Today I was wished a happy mother's day. It was kind of weird to hear that, seeing as how I don't have any children of my own, but Mitch insists that I consider his son my own. I have never met the kid, and he doesn't even know I exist. I told Mitch that I don't want to be wished a happy mother's day until I'm actually Stephen's adopted mom. It just seems wrong to say that to me when I've never even met the kid. It's not like I'm saying I don't want to be his mom, that's not it at all. I want to be there for him and to be the mom that he needs, but I'm not at that point yet, and neither is he. For one thing he's all the way out in Missouri, and I'm here in California. And he's still in the custody of his mother. Mitch and I plan on fighting for custody as soon as we can, but until then I can just wait to be called "mom".
I did celebrate Mother's Day at my church, though. I bough a dozen sunset roses and passed them out to the elderly ladies at my church. It was my way of saying "happy mother's day" to my mom. She doesn't really like gifts, but loves it when I love on other people. She said that was the perfect gift! I was very proud of myself of figuring out a way to honor my mom and the ladies at my church as well. I do wish I could have been there with my mom though. That would have been nice.
Anyway, this week is finals week. I only have one written final, but I have to finish up two projects, which are a pain in my butt. I'm waiting on materials for my book that I'm making in my graphic design class. I hope they get here in time. I'm also working on a photo journalism photo story. I just have to put in the captions for the pictures I took and then that's done. The one written final I have is in design history. That's going to be the hardest thing this week, seeing as how I hardly paid attention in that class at all. The teacher was just SO boring!! I have the notes she posted online, and the books, and the study guide, so I should be fine... I just have to focus and actually study this time. LOL.
Well, that's all for now. TTYL!
If I could I would let Mitch stay in my room, but that's just not possible... for multiple reasons. I hope we can find a cheap motel for him to get a room at. Wherever he stays is going to be expensive because this is San Diego, but there's got to be something out there that's reasonable.
I hope we can find a descent apartments soon too. With Mitch job searching it's going to be a uncertain time for us. But at least we have a month or so to look and save money. I'll also be making twice as much as I do now, so that will help. If anyone knows of a good, cheap place to rent that's not to far from Point Loma, let me know!
Today I was wished a happy mother's day. It was kind of weird to hear that, seeing as how I don't have any children of my own, but Mitch insists that I consider his son my own. I have never met the kid, and he doesn't even know I exist. I told Mitch that I don't want to be wished a happy mother's day until I'm actually Stephen's adopted mom. It just seems wrong to say that to me when I've never even met the kid. It's not like I'm saying I don't want to be his mom, that's not it at all. I want to be there for him and to be the mom that he needs, but I'm not at that point yet, and neither is he. For one thing he's all the way out in Missouri, and I'm here in California. And he's still in the custody of his mother. Mitch and I plan on fighting for custody as soon as we can, but until then I can just wait to be called "mom".
I did celebrate Mother's Day at my church, though. I bough a dozen sunset roses and passed them out to the elderly ladies at my church. It was my way of saying "happy mother's day" to my mom. She doesn't really like gifts, but loves it when I love on other people. She said that was the perfect gift! I was very proud of myself of figuring out a way to honor my mom and the ladies at my church as well. I do wish I could have been there with my mom though. That would have been nice.
Anyway, this week is finals week. I only have one written final, but I have to finish up two projects, which are a pain in my butt. I'm waiting on materials for my book that I'm making in my graphic design class. I hope they get here in time. I'm also working on a photo journalism photo story. I just have to put in the captions for the pictures I took and then that's done. The one written final I have is in design history. That's going to be the hardest thing this week, seeing as how I hardly paid attention in that class at all. The teacher was just SO boring!! I have the notes she posted online, and the books, and the study guide, so I should be fine... I just have to focus and actually study this time. LOL.
Well, that's all for now. TTYL!
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