Monday, May 10, 2010


So, I realized I haven't posted anything in a while. Here's the update: As I wrote in an earlier post, Mitch had to quit his job so that he could move down here and search for a new job. He had to do this because he current boss refused to give him the time off so he could look for a new job. So now he has no job, no place to stay, and almost no money. I am going to be living on campus for the summer while I work full time, but as of right now we are looking at possible hotels for Mitch to stay at because no one has stepped up to volunteer a couch for him while we save money for an apartment. It's really frustrating, but it's the only thing we can do right now.

If I could I would let Mitch stay in my room, but that's just not possible... for multiple reasons. I hope we can find a cheap motel for him to get a room at. Wherever he stays is going to be expensive because this is San Diego, but there's got to be something out there that's reasonable.

I hope we can find a descent apartments soon too. With Mitch job searching it's going to be a uncertain time for us. But at least we have a month or so to look and save money. I'll also be making twice as much as I do now, so that will help. If anyone knows of a good, cheap place to rent that's not to far from Point Loma, let me know!

Today I was wished a happy mother's day. It was kind of weird to hear that, seeing as how I don't have any children of my own, but Mitch insists that I consider his son my own. I have never met the kid, and he doesn't even know I exist. I told Mitch that I don't want to be wished a happy mother's day until I'm actually Stephen's adopted mom. It just seems wrong to say that to me when I've never even met the kid. It's not like I'm saying I don't want to be his mom, that's not it at all. I want to be there for him and to be the mom that he needs, but I'm not at that point yet, and neither is he. For one thing he's all the way out in Missouri, and I'm here in California. And he's still in the custody of his mother. Mitch and I plan on fighting for custody as soon as we can, but until then I can just wait to be called "mom".

I did celebrate Mother's Day at my church, though. I bough a dozen sunset roses and passed them out to the elderly ladies at my church. It was my way of saying "happy mother's day" to my mom. She doesn't really like gifts, but loves it when I love on other people. She said that was the perfect gift! I was very proud of myself of figuring out a way to honor my mom and the ladies at my church as well. I do wish I could have been there with my mom though. That would have been nice.

Anyway, this week is finals week. I only have one written final, but I have to finish up two projects, which are a pain in my butt. I'm waiting on materials for my book that I'm making in my graphic design class. I hope they get here in time. I'm also working on a photo journalism photo story. I just have to put in the captions for the pictures I took and then that's done. The one written final I have is in design history. That's going to be the hardest thing this week, seeing as how I hardly paid attention in that class at all. The teacher was just SO boring!! I have the notes she posted online, and the books, and the study guide, so I should be fine... I just have to focus and actually study this time. LOL.

Well, that's all for now. TTYL!

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