Tuesday, April 13, 2010

We're in the 60's!!!

There are 68 days until the wedding and things are starting to become clearer as well as more nerve racking! I'm worried about money, people actually showing up, where Mitch and I are going to live next year... etc. I wish that I wasn't so worried but I guess this comes with the territory of being a bride. I want so bad to be certain about what is going to happen next, but I know that the future is unknown, no matter how close it is.

Recently I've been stressed about my bridal shower. My maid of honor (MOH) is working on it very hard, and I trust her judgements. It's just that there's this lady at my church who has decided that my best friend doesn't know what she's talking about, and that she (the old lady), who has planned so many other apparently wonderful and successful bridal showers, should take over. She by-passed my MOH/best friend, and took her own initiative by buying plates, utensils, and cups, and by delegating jobs to other women in the church. She is not respecting my wishes as the bride, the girl this party is all about, and she is being pushing and demanding. Also, the church invited all of the women of my church, which I don't really have a problem with, but no one ever asked me! I thought this was going to be a party for my close friends! Not a whole bunch of elderly women that I don't really know that well.

I don't want to be rude or sound ungrateful for all the work that these ladies are doing, but seriously, this is not what I wanted at all, and it's making it much more difficult than it needs to be. And most of all it really undermines my MOH, who has been working and planning this day for months now! She has everything planned and worked out. She got and send out the invitations weeks ago, and has planned games, and all sorts of goodies. She has food to prepare, decorations to put up, and other great ideas! I don't know all the details, mostly because I asked her not to tell me, but I know that whatever she has planned will be wonderful! It hurts me to think that an elderly woman would want to see all that hard work go down the drain just because she wants control.

I talked with my mom about it, and told her the things that the elderly woman wanted to do for my shower. She wanted to only serve nuts, mints and punch, where as my MOH has other things planned to serve. My mom so elegantly stated that the mints, nuts and punch would work for a bridal shower in the 1950's, but not these days. Now that's like saying you don't really want to put the party on, and that you just bought the bare minimum! My MOH said that "this is my Cara Bell's one and only bridal shower! I want it to be the best!"... and that is exactly why I chose her to be my MOH... Whitney, I love you!

Anyway, enough of the Bridezilla rant. I'll post more when I have some happy news...

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