Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The First Week is Over

I have successfully finished the first week of my senior year and now I'm working on the second. I think this semester is going to be a great one. Things are really shaping up to be the best semester of my collegiate career. This semester I am taking the Science Fiction Literature class, Web Design, Introduction to Journalism, and Concert Choir. It isn't a lot of classes, but it's enough. I am also still involved with the opera and working on that.

We starting rehearsals for Cendrillon last week and I think things are going well! Everyone sounds wonderful and I know that this production is going to be great! I still need to work on the poster art work. I've been so busy lately that it's kind of been on hold. It's a good thing that it almost finished, so I don't have a whole lot left to do.

Today, in my web design class, I started designing my website. It's looking great and I'm really proud of it. I have the demo set up at artnouveaucreations.com if you want to check it out. I'm super excited about this site and I can't wait until it's completely up and running. Leave comments/suggestions on my facebook page about what you liked, didn't like, and what I could do to make it better. Thanks!

Well, that's all for now.

Until next time!

Friday, August 27, 2010


I applied for job as a blogger for my university and had a really nice interview with the lady in charge on Wednesday, but I found out yesterday that I didn't get it. I was really hoping for this job because it would have given me and Mitch just a little extra income. Oh well. I mean, it's not like there aren't other jobs out there.
I don't have a whole lot of time to write tonight, but I just wanted to ask you all to pray for me and Mitch right now. I don't really want to talk about what's going on, but we do need prayer. Thanks!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First couple of days

I started my senior year at PLNU yesterday. I think this year is going to be one of the best years ever. I'm only taking 13 units, which might turn into 14 if I add on a voice instruction class. I need help molding my voice to what it should be.

Anyway, I'm already behind a little bit. On Sunday I had to rearrange my schedule because I overlapped a class with Opera rehearsal. I ended up dropping that class, plus another one, just so I could fit in more classes to get back up to 12 units or more. I need that much to be full time and keep my scholarships. I added a web design class, which I wanted to take anyway, and a literature class. I found out a little bit later that the lit class is about Science Fiction Novels, which is.... AWESOME!! I couldn't believe that I got into it! The only problem is that there was homework assigned to the class that I didn't know about. We were supposed to start reading the first book over the summer and write a analysis of what we read. The class turned in the papers this morning and I was very confused. I talked with the professor after class and he let it slide, but now I'm behind because everyone has already started reading and I am very lost.

I'm in my web design class now, so I have to run, but I hope you all have a wonderful first week of school!

Until next time!

Friday, August 20, 2010

My brother is a freshman!!!

NSO is this weekend and my brother is down here moving into his dorm and meeting all this other scared-silly newbies at Point Loma. Along with my brother, my sister and my mom are also down here for the weekend. It's a nice change to get to see family, and now I get to have my brother here in San Diego with me! I'm super stoked, if you can't tell. lol :)

I'm at work right now; the last day of full time hours. :,( . My sister is sitting across the room from me playing on the computer. I think she's watching YouTube or something. It's so good to have her around. She and I used to not get along at all, but now that I've been out of the house I treasure every change I get to see her.

Tonight is Youth Group at church and I hope all the teens come. I know it'll be different with a couple of the girls gone, but I sure hope the other still come. A few of our group members just graduated high school and are starting college this year. One is staying in San Diego and going to Point Loma, and the other is moving to Texas.

Well, it's off to work!

Until next time!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Start of a new semester

As summer boils down to it's last few weeks of existence I've starting getting ready for the next school semester to start, and so is the university. I can tell it's getting close because the people at Point Loma have started repainting road markers, cutting grass, dusting cobwebs, gathering up the gnomes, etc. It's eerily quiet on campus, which I can only assume is the calm before the storm. Soon the campus will irrupt with activity. Student employees will be the first to arrive, then the new/transfer students will move into their dorms and attend NSO (new student orientation). Then, right before classes start, all of the old students will arrive.

I'm glad to be living off campus this year. It's so much easier to not have to move my stuff every 6 months. It's quite surreal now, being a senior. I've actually spend 3 years here? REALLY? It doesn't seem like it. I feel like I've just started! It's also hard to believe that I'm going to be graduating soon! I mean, it won't be this year because I have too many classes to take. However, it is creeping down on me. I will have to actually find a job and start being a complete adult! WHAT?!?!? I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. I am married, so it only serves to reason that I should consider myself an adult now. I haven't lived in my parent's house for almost 4 years now. I should be an adult now, right?

Anyway, life is moving fast and soon I've started thinking about my future after college. Mitch and I are thinking of moving to Oregon or Washington after I graduate. The only down side to that plan is that there aren't a whole lot of graphic design jobs up there. I've looked at several job search sites and the supply of graphic design jobs north of California is limited to say the least. I might have to look at other states. I know that I don't want to live in California for the rest of my life. This state is crumbling beneath our feet and I really don't want to stay here. Besides that it has some of the worst elementary and high schools in the country, and I need to consider my future children and their education. I know that's a ways away, but its still something to consider.

Besides thinking of school starting and life after university, I've also been looking at purchasing school books and materials. I need to email my professors to figure out what books I'm going to need. I'd like to have them ordered soon so that I can have them by the first week of school. I really want to get a new camera, but I'm having the hardest time finding one within my budget, granted my budget is below $300. I might have found one on Cragislist, but we shall see if the guy takes my offer. If you are selling a digital EOS camera, let me know. I'm like Canon, Nikon, and Sony.

I've started Vloggin on YouTube. We'll see how that goes. I'm not much of a talker when it comes to cameras so I'm not sure if that will work out for me. I'd like to be hired by YouTube, but that's a big wish that is highly unlikely.

Well, that's really all for now.
Until next time.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Only a few weeks left

This week is the real crack down for me. I really need to get back to work on opera stuff. I feel like I've wasted so much time, but most of that time has been here at work, sitting, doing nothing really, and not having much useful stuff to do. I want to finish the poster, but I'm having trouble really getting the look I want. I'm going for that Art Nouveau look and finding out that it's more difficult than I thought it was going to be. I also need to crack down on my role. I've been practicing, but not enough.

Oh, I wanted to update you all on my mom. I wrote in a few blogs ago that she had gone to the hospital in San Fransisco for a growth on her chin. Turns out I was wrong about the type of growth. Previously I thought it was a benign cancerous growth, but it was a malignant tumor, or something like that. Either way it wasn't effecting other cells, just growing on its own. The doctors took good care of her and she is home recuperating now.

I had so much fun this last weekend at Elijah and Bethany Waddle's wedding. It was so beautiful! I was also glad to see some friends I hadn't seen in a while, plus I made some new friends! Although it was a wonderful weekend, I was glad to come home. Mitch and I did some shopping yesterday and got some stuff for the apartment. It's actually starting to look like a home! I got a few things to put on the walls and hopefully we can get a kitchen table soon. I really want one!! :(

Anyway, that's really all for now. Until next time!