Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The knight returns to his fair maiden...

Mitch comes today!!! I'm so excited! Although it's not the ideal circumstance I am so happy he's going to be here. I just reserved a hotel room for him, since he's getting here really late. His train is scheduled to arrive at 12:30 AM! It's late, but I can handle it. I'll drop him off at his hotel, go to home to bed, then go pick him up tomorrow after I get off of work.. or maybe on my lunch break. He needs to start looking for a job so the sooner I can get him to a computer, to sooner he can start contacting possible employers. There are a couple of places I know he can apply, but I want him to be able to find something on his own, not me being his mom and finding something for him. Mitch is a big boy... he can find himself a job. :)

Anyway, today I am also going to start learning my role for the opera. I don't have very long to learn it and I really need to discipline myself. With Mitch being here, work, and voice lessons, I'm not sure how much practice I can actual get it. I might have to wait until we get our own place to really start digging into my role. For now I can learn the text and work on pronunciation. It's in French so it's going to be a bit of a struggle for me... but if I work hard I know I can do it. I actually don't have the much to learn, as far as my role is concerned. I do, however need to know what everyone else is saying. So, I need to know the whole Opera!

Also, this summer, I'm going to be spending a lot of my Saturdays working on the set pieces for the production. I get to paint, build, and research the Art Nouveau era of art. I LOVE IT! Art Nouveau is one of my favorite art time periods!!! Go look up Alfonzo Mucha. That is Art Nouveau! Isn't it just so wonderful? No one can ever capture that kind of work in an art piece. He did that ALL BY HAND!! No computers or machines! I mean, he might have dabbled into lithography, but for the most part all of his work was done by hand! I love it.

Check this out:


This is Art Nouveau... it's amazing!

Well, that's all I have for now.

Until next time!


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